We can all get angry sometimes and it’s totally normal. It is important however to find ways to curb your anger. If we do not find a good way to manage our emotions and anger it have a negative effect on our work or personal relationships. Ways To Deal With Anger So how can you deal with your anger? Well this can differ from person to person. Some like to go to the gym, others like to take a walk, personally I enjoy to take a long swim and clear...

Are you interested in purchasing a coloring book? Whether it's your first time buying one your 20th one thing remains the same: there are tons of options on the market. Below you will find some of our favorite posts featuring adult coloring books for any kind of need.  Color Your Anger Away Through Adult Coloring Books With Swear Words Everyone can get angry sometimes, that is totally normal. Next time it happens though you can feel better by coloring in your favorite swear words. We know it might not sound...

Many coloring books on the market today are filled with images of flowers and animals and are easily accessible to just about anyone who wants to do some coloring. But what about those who have been coloring for years or those who just want a challenge from the get go? Well below you can find our top finds for some of the most advanced and intricate adult coloring pages on the market. 4. Fantastic Cities by Steve McDonald This 60 page adult coloring book features images depicting urban scenes both...

Johanna Basford is a Scottish artist best known as one of the pioneers of the adult coloring book movement and her illustrations have been featured in brand campaigns by companies like Sony, Nike, and Starbucks. We decided to do the hard work for you and come up with a list comprising of what we think are her 3 best coloring books so that you can spend more time relaxing and coloring than researching on the internet. 3. Lost Ocean: An Inky Adventure and Coloring Book for Adults This coloring book...

Adulthood can sometimes be really overrated. If you are like me you probably have very fond memories of coloring books that featured character and scenes from your favorite childhood cartoons and movies. Well don’t worry because here are several coloring book options featuring our favorite Disney, Harry Potter, and Star Wars characters that could totally pass as adult coloring books Art Of Coloring Disney Animals: All your childhood Disney friends are in this coloring book fit for all ages. Inside the pages you will be reunited with your favorite cartoon...

We humans are passionate creatures. When we find something that interest us we can go so head over heals with it that we will decorate our whole house with anything that has that motif. Whether it be cat accent pillows, sailboat cell phone covers, and rabbit wall paper when it comes to our passions nothing is off the table Animals, Animals, And More Animals Well we are going to come clean to you, we love animals! If it’s furry or even scaly we love it. The issue is that when...

It’s easy to see why many people take up adult coloring as a hobby. It’s relaxing, it’s fun, and it’s a really good way to calm your mind. But beyond the obvious benefits of coloring in your spare time, there is one factor that is often overlooked: coloring books for adults make great creative outlets.  Sure, real artists would dismiss it as nothing more than just filling in some pre-drawn images. But not all of us are “real artists”. Besides, it would be foolish to say that it takes no skill...

When we are working on our coloring books for adults, we strive to perfect our masterpiece. We aim to get the most beautiful color scheme and the perfect stroke when coloring.  There are actually a lot of things that can affect the quality of our color design. One of them, believe it or not, is how we display our gel pens. It may not be very popular many but displaying your gel pens can affect the quality of your coloring. However, you need not worry because we have already done...

Are you about to work on your next coloring page? If you are, then STOP RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT! Hold on to your adult coloring pencils and just stop for a few minutes to read this blog. We will just take around five minutes of your time but we are sure that you are going to thank us after! Before you start working on your next project, read this first. We have researched and read through a lot of the different coloring tips and tricks and we have compiled the...

Lately, adult coloring pages have hit the trends, engaging everyone in a coloring spree of sorts. With varieties that come in different scales, people have a lot to choose from, ranging from pocket books to even wallpaper sized canvasses. The World is our Canvas  Literally, we can put color into any print that comes with a pattern, or just maybe, any blank space waiting to be swatched with. There are countless of designs available in adult coloring pages, with each unique pattern sparking interest of the Leonardo in us. When...