Alright so earlier in the week things may have gotten a bit out of hand. I received some messages and comments from friends urging me to give Marvel a try, so I decided that since it wouldn’t be hurting anyone I might as well give it a shot. As a lifelong DC-er it hurts me to say this but there is more to Marvel then just way to colorful costumes and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading some Marvel comic books. With my newly find liking to Marvel I only thought...

Alright let’s all take a deep breath here and say it…”DC comics are the best comic books out there”. I know, I know, there is also Marvel, but come on now, no one actually thinks that Marvel is better than DC, there is just no competition here! Seriously, what kind of costumes are those? They look ridiculous, the only Marvel hero that deserves the light of day is Deadpool and even he hates the rest of the Marvel heroes. Ok, so with that I am guessing that I have weeded...