Nowadays there are tons of different options that colorists can choose from when it comes down to their coloring medium of choice. There are pencils, gel pens, special paint and even chalk, but today we decided to focus on a classic and one of our favorites: markers. Markers may not be completely erasable like pencils and may sometimes bleed through which can cause problems in cheaper coloring books that use thin paper, but they do produce a much more professional finished product. Here are our favorite markers with a detailed...

Whether you are new to coloring or have been coloring for a while you may have heard of grayscale, but may find yourself a bit unsure about what it is, and that's ok! Grayscale coloring has started becoming more and more popular within the coloring community but has not really had the same mainstream appeal that normal coloring has. In this post we will try to explain what grayscale coloring is, share some tips on coloring grayscale, and hopefully convince you to give it a try yourself. What is Grayscale...

Colored pencils and markers may be the most popular options for adult colorists but there is another option out there that is gaining popularity: gel pens. If you can’t decide whether you want to use markers or pencils, gel pens may be a great choice for you since in many ways they offer the best of both worlds. Pens offer smooth coloring Gel pens use liquid ink just like markers which makes coloring much easier and smoother than the abrasion of graphite which colored pencils use to put down color....

Colored pencils may be the most popular tool to use in coloring books but there are very valid reasons why you should consider setting aside your pencils and using a pack of markers instead. Below you can find an in depth pros and cons breakdowns of using markers to color your designs. Markers are easier to color with Coloring with markers is an absolute joy because of how smooth they are. Colored pencils use graphite which basically scratches the the paper and as it breaks apart the debris it leaves...