You may have from time to time come across the word “steampunk”, you may even know a little bit about what it is, but have you ever heard about steampunk adult coloring books? Steampunk is a sub-genre of fantasy or sci-fi which offers an alternate view of our current time or future. In this alternate universe technology has continued to evolve, but retained a Victorian look and everything is still powered predominantly by, you guessed it, steam power. These coloring books will transport you even if just for a few...

The sci-fi genre has captured my imagination since I was a young kid so I was ecstatic when I discovered that among the thousands of adult coloring books on Amazon there was a small, yet good, selection of sci-fi adult coloring books. Some scrupulous research later and here are my top 3 sci-fi adult coloring book finds that will make a perfect gift for the sci-fi fan in your life. Star Trek The Next Generation Adult Coloring Book Alright Star Trek fans this one is for you! This coloring book...

Emojis have seeped into every part of our lives, first texting, and now you can even find your favorite emojis in coloring form. The adult coloring books below are in our opinion some of the best examples of emojis in coloring books so if you have ever texted a friend and wished that you could not only send them a poop emoji but also color it, then you will love these coloring books ;) . Emoji Coloring Book Of Funny Stuff by Nyx Spectrum This coloring book created by Nyx...

There is nothing better than seeing that your Tivo has recorded a new episode of your favorite show while you were at work, or better yet that a brand new season has been uploaded on Netflix and is ready for your bingeing needs. But what about those days you come from home and there is no new episode or no new season? Well in this case you could go back and watch reruns or your favorite episodes but let's be honest, no matter how good the show is it’s not like...

The Lord of The Rings and Tolkien’s other works have been inspirations for many future writers and creators of all kinds, this writer included.When reading Tolkien we are inundated with imagery of amazing lands and creatures that push the envelope of our imagination. A Lord of the Rings coloring book in that case is a perfect opportunity to put your imagination down on paper and bring some of the wonders of Tolkien to life. The Hobbit Heroes And Villains Coloring Book by Warner Brothers Studio The Hobbit: There And Back...

If we were to go on the street and take a poll asking adults what their favorite movie was, or the most important movie in their life was, there is a good chance that the original Star Wars franchise would roll off the tongues of many. The fact is that when Star Wars: A New Hope came out in 1977 it blew the minds of a majority of the people who saw it. Spaceship fights, lightsabers, attractive alien princesses, and the Force, the Star Wars trilogy had it all and...

It should come as no surprise that the most commonly used tool for coloring books is the almighty colored pencil. Colored pencils provide the most control to the artist. The same exact pencil can color in tiny details when sharpened to a point, or color much bigger spaces quickly when the broad side of the graphite is used. You can also decide how much color you’d like to put down just by the amount of pressure you put on the pencil. Many colored pencils are also kind of erasable. I...

Nowadays there are tons of different options that colorists can choose from when it comes down to their coloring medium of choice. There are pencils, gel pens, special paint and even chalk, but today we decided to focus on a classic and one of our favorites: markers. Markers may not be completely erasable like pencils and may sometimes bleed through which can cause problems in cheaper coloring books that use thin paper, but they do produce a much more professional finished product. Here are our favorite markers with a detailed...

Creatively Calm Studios has been around for awhile now and over the last year we have created over 360 unique designs. The amazing thing about our designs is that our artists are based all over the world and that is something that I think you can really feel when you color our designs as opposed to others. You just really get to feel how vibrant and diverse life is all in the same coloring book. So after creating close to 400 designs I decided to turn back the pages and...

March has been a tough month weather wise. Some parts of the country were hit with close to record breaking amounts of snow followed by out of the norm heat waves followed once again by more snow. With every passing day however Mother Nature seems to be figuring it out and we are beginning to settle down into a sunny and mild spring. It’s time to open the windows on your daily commute, throw on some sunglasses, and enjoy your favorite jams and a refreshing iced coffee beverage. The smell...