Make 2018 Great With These Adult Coloring Books


Every New Year people all over the world get to hit the reset button on life, take into account what went well the previous year, and perhaps what went not so great. With a New Year and 365 days of brand new possibilities just around the corner we wanted to take a minute to introduce you to some adult coloring books that will help you make 2018 the best year yet!

Relaxation Templates for Meditation and Calming


Adult coloring is an awesome hobby not just because it brings us back to childhood memories, but because it’s actually very beneficial when done regularly. Studies show that continued coloring helps put the mind in a similar state to that experienced by people who meditate regularly. This practice can help you relieve stress in the moment but also equip you to better handle stress in your day to day life.

Coloring books with intricate patterns are an awesome way to induce meditation while coloring. This is why we decided to feature this coloring book by Cherina Kohey in this list. This coloring book has 30 highly detailed patterns printed single sided on classic white paper similar to that in other CreateSpace coloring books. The highly detailed swirling and whirling patterns in this book will entertain you and delight you while relieving stress and bringing all the benefits of meditation.

2018 Adult Coloring Calendar Planner


A well organized life is a good life. Having things planned out can help reduce stress and lead you to live a more fulfilling life by fitting in more things in your day. This coloring calendar by School Datebooks will help you get organized while also providing you with the opportunity to do a little coloring everyday easily and conveniently.

Between the covers of this 2018 Planner you will find one page dedicated to every week of the year. Opposite of the weekly planner page you will find a full page coloring design that makes it very easy to squeeze in a little coloring in your day every time you check your planner. Each weekly page also features an inspiration quote to help keep you motivated in pursuit of your goals. The coloring designs are a mix of mandalas and intricate patterns so they are perfect for a quick relaxing coloring session.

Weekly Printable Coloring Pages

Like I mentioned earlier creating a coloring habit is a fantastic way to bring all the benefits of meditation into your life. The issue is that coloring every day means that you need to make trips to the store on a regular basis for more books or purchase books online that you then need to wait to show up at your door. Well that’s not something you need to worry about with our Weekly Coloring Page Subscription.

This is an awesome way to create a daily coloring habit that will help improve your year by helping you stay relaxed and conscious. Every week you will receive an email containing 5 high resolution designs that you can download and print out on paper of your choosing. No more time spent flipping through countless books looking for the perfect one. These designs are a selection of our favorite designs from ALL of our coloring books, so you can be sure that you will be getting only the best.

From all of us here at Creatively Calm Studios we wish you Happy Holidays and we hope that 2018 is the best year for you yet!

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